wolves - definition. What is wolves
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%ما هو (من)٪ 1 - تعريف

WolVes; Grey Wolf; Wolve; Canis Lupus; Gray Wolves; Wolves; Grey wolf; Forest wolf; Loafer wolves; Wolf Evolution; Grey wolves; The gray wolf; The primary food of the gray wolf; Gray wolves; Eastern beringia; Canis lupus; Migration patterns of the gray wolf; Gray Wolf; 🐺; Southern wolf; Southern wolves; Gray wolf reproductive physiology and life cycle; Gray wolf anatomy; Scent marking in wolves; Wolf mating; Wolf territories; Wolf territory; Wolf intelligence; Wolf anatomy; C. lupus; Mating wolves; Wolves mating; Sexual behavior of wolves; Territorial behavior of gray wolves; Sexual behavior of gray wolves; Reproductive behavior of wolves; Western wolf; Casanova wolves; Social behavior of gray wolves; User:Wo87017164/sandbox; Olfactory communication in gray wolves; Gray wolf; Wolves in popular culture; Cultural depictions of wolves; Mating of wolves
  • Abruzzo Natural Park]] showing advanced signs of [[canine distemper]]
  • Wolves in the [[La Boissière-du-Doré]] Zoo, France
  • A wolf skeleton housed in the Wolf Museum, [[Abruzzo National Park]], Italy
  • Indian wolves at the [[Mysore Zoo]]
  • Life restoration of ''[[Canis mosbachensis]]'', the wolf's immediate ancestor
  • she-wolf]] feeding the twins [[Romulus and Remus]], from the legend of the [[founding of Rome]], Italy, 13th century AD. (The twins are a 15th-century addition.)
  • A wolf in southern [[Israel]]
  • 50 px
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  • 50 px
  • 50 px
  • 50 px
  • 50 px
  • 50 px
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  • ''[[Little Red Riding Hood]]'' (1883), [[Gustave Doré]]
  • Wolf–dog hybrids]] in the wild animal park at [[Kadzidłowo]], Poland. Left: product of a male wolf and a female [[spaniel]]; right: from a female wolf and a male [[West Siberian Laika]]
  • A North American wolf
  • ''Country children surprised by a wolf'' (1833) by François Grenier de Saint-Martin
  • [[Iberian wolf]] pups stimulating their mother to regurgitate some food
  • Korean wolves mating in the [[Tama Zoological Park]], Japan
  • Apennines]] in [[Sassoferrato]], Italy
  • reintroduction]]
  • Carcasses of hunted wolves in [[Volgograd Oblast]], Russia
  • A 1905 postcard of the [[Hexham wolf]], an escaped wolf shot for killing livestock in England
  • Wolf in [[Spiti Valley]], northern India
  • In [[Yellowstone National Park]]
  • alt=Map showing the wolf's range in Europe and surrounding areas
  • caribou]] hindquarter, [[Denali National Park]], [[Alaska]]
  • Wolves pursuing a bull elk
  • A wolf, a bear, coyotes and ravens compete over a kill
  • Two wolves feeding on a [[white-tailed deer]]

·noun ·pl of Wolf.
II. Wolves ·pl of Wolf.
plural form of wolf.
Wolves is the plural of wolf



The wolf (Canis lupus; PL: wolves), also known as the gray wolf or grey wolf, is a large canine native to Eurasia and North America. More than thirty subspecies of Canis lupus have been recognized, including the dog and dingo, though gray wolves, as popularly understood, only comprise naturally-occurring wild subspecies. The wolf is the largest extant member of the family Canidae, and is further distinguished from other Canis species by its less pointed ears and muzzle, as well as a shorter torso and a longer tail. The wolf is nonetheless related closely enough to smaller Canis species, such as the coyote and the golden jackal, to produce fertile hybrids with them. The wolf's fur is usually mottled white, brown, gray, and black, although subspecies in the arctic region may be nearly all white.

Of all members of the genus Canis, the wolf is most specialized for cooperative game hunting as demonstrated by its physical adaptations to tackling large prey, its more social nature, and its highly advanced expressive behaviour, including individual or group howling. It travels in nuclear families consisting of a mated pair accompanied by their offspring. Offspring may leave to form their own packs on the onset of sexual maturity and in response to competition for food within the pack. Wolves are also territorial, and fights over territory are among the principal causes of mortality. The wolf is mainly a carnivore and feeds on large wild hooved mammals as well as smaller animals, livestock, carrion, and garbage. Single wolves or mated pairs typically have higher success rates in hunting than do large packs. Pathogens and parasites, notably rabies virus, may infect wolves.

The global wild wolf population was estimated to be 300,000 in 2003 and is considered to be of Least Concern by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Wolves have a long history of interactions with humans, having been despised and hunted in most pastoral communities because of their attacks on livestock, while conversely being respected in some agrarian and hunter-gatherer societies. Although the fear of wolves exists in many human societies, the majority of recorded attacks on people have been attributed to animals suffering from rabies. Wolf attacks on humans are rare because wolves are relatively few, live away from people, and have developed a fear of humans because of their experiences with hunters, farmers, ranchers, and shepherds.

أمثلة من مجموعة نصية لـ٪ 1
1. There are 12–15 packs of wolves in the Golan Heights, each comprising five wolves.
2. But the bites were from mosquitoes – not wolves –– as it had been a fruitless night waiting for wolves to come.
3. Wolves disappeared from eastern Germany around 1850.
4. Ahmad Al–Juhani, 50, said the dead wolves are hung from the top of the trees to drive other wolves away from farms. «When wolves see a dead beast hanging from a tree or smell its blood, they simply leave the area and do not return for ages,» he said. «However, I condemn the random killing of wolves.
5. The film, Surviving with Wolves, was a hit in Europe.